Condition Builder

Use query builder plugin to add unlimited possibilities to filter data using convenient hierarchical UI.


Add angular component inside of q-grid component, after that extended filter icon should appear in the top toolbar.

   selector: 'my-component',
   template: `
      <q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async">
         <q-grid-columns generation="deep">

export class MyComponent {
   rows$: Observable<any[]>;

   constructor(dataService: MyDataService) {
      this.rows$ = dataService.getRows();
The Contract

By supporting q-grid expression contract building any custom filters with complex logic should not be a problem.

   kind: 'condition' | 'group'
   group[left]: condition[left] | group
   group[right]: condition[right] | group | null
   group[op]: 'and' | 'or'
   condition[left]: columnKey
   condition[right]: string | number | array | bool | date | null
      | 'isNull'
      | 'equals'
      | 'notEquals'
      | 'greaterThanOrEquals'
      | 'greaterThan'
      | 'lessThanOrEquals'
      | 'lessThan'
      | 'between'
      | 'in'
      | 'like'
      | 'notLike'
Hot wot setup default condition on component load?

Use filter model $expression property in by section, the same position should be used to get expression that was setup from UI.

import { GridComponent, FetchContext } from 'ng2-qgrid';

   template: '<q-grid [model]="gridModel"></q-grid>',
export class ExampleFilterRowCustomComponent implements AfterViewInit {
   gridModel = this.qgrid.model();

   constructor(private qgrid: Grid) {}

   ngAfterViewInit() {
         by: {
            $expression: {
               kind: 'group',
               op: 'and',
               left: {
                  kind: 'group',
                  op: 'or',
                  left: {
                     kind: 'condition',
                     op: 'between',
                     left: 'Age',
                     right: [25, 30],
                  right: {
                     kind: 'condition',
                     op: 'GreaterThan',
                     left: 'Age',
                     right: 40
               right: {
                  kind: 'group',
                  op: 'and',
                  left: {
                     kind: 'condition',
                     op: 'in',
                     left: 'PayerName',
                     right: ['John', 'Gerard', 'Steve']
                  right: {
                     kind: 'condition',
                     op: 'isNotNull',
                     left: 'Account',
                     right: null
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