Row Details

There are situations when additional information need to be showing by expanding row, row details can help to handle this.

   selector: 'my-component',
   template: `
      <q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async" [model]="gridModel">
         <q-grid-columns generation="deep"></q-grid-columns>

            <ng-template for="details" let-$cell>
               {{ $cell.row.item.number }}
export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit {
   gridModel = this.qgrid.model();
   rows$ = this.dataService.getRows();

      private dataService: MyDataService,
      private qgrid: Grid
   ) {

   ngAfterViewInit() {
         unit: 'details',
         mode: 'multiple',

Use $cell.row.item in template to get access to the data row.

How to expand or collapse all row details?

Update status property in row model.

const { rows } =;
const expand = true;
   status: new Map(<[any, RowDetailsStatus]>((x) => [
         new RowDetailsStatus(expand),
How to disable/hide expand button?

Use toggle command from row model.

   toggle: new Command({
      canExecute: ({ row }) => false,
How to show nested q-grid in details template?

Use let-$cell to pass data to the function that will return details rows.

   selector: 'my-component',
   template: `
      <q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async" [model]="gridModel">
         <q-grid-columns generation="deep">

            <ng-template for="details" let-$cell>
               <q-grid [rows]="getDetailsRows($cell.row.item) | async">
                  <q-grid-columns generation="deep">
export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit {
   gridModel = this.qgrid.model();
   rows$ = this.dataService.getRows();
   cache = new Map<string, Observable<Atom[]>>();

      private dataService: MyDataService,
      private qgrid: Grid
   ) {

   ngAfterViewInit() {
          unit: 'details',
          mode: 'single'

   getDetailsRows(atom: Atom) {
      let rows$ = this.cache.get(atom.phase);
      if (!rows$) {
         const byPhase = row => row.phase === atom.phase;

         rows$ =
                  map(rows => rows.filter(byPhase))

         this.cache.set(atom.phase, rows$);

      return rows$;
How to hide row details expand column?

Use [isVisible] attribute of row-expand column type.

<q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async">
      <q-grid-column type="row-expand"
How to expand details on row click or on keyboard event?

Mouse and keyboard API provides services over user interactions, consider to use to implement manual details manipulations.

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