Grid Column

Represents the columns of the q-grid.

Column Type

Column type is responsible for how the cell is drawn and how it behaves. Beside out of box column types it’s possible to define own. Note that some of supported column types are utilized for internal needs.

Column Key

A column unique identifier, used to retrieve cell values if path or value properties are not setup for the column.

Column Title

Column header text also could be used by plugins like column-filter.

Column Description

Column header tooltip text could be shown as a column tooltip.

Column Value & Label

The callback or some constant could be used to retrieve or setup the cell value/label.

      columns: [
         { key: 'address', value: row => }

Be aware that if there is a requirement to use this pointer inside the value or label callback, this should be passed by using closure or lambda function.

Column Path & LabelPath

String path to the cell value or label. Note that path property has lower priority than the value property.

      <q-grid-column key="primaryPhone" path="address.phones.0.num">
Column Pin

Indicates if the q-grid column should be frozen on left or right.

      <q-grid-column key="lastName" pin="left">
Column Class

A functional type of the column. It’s utilized by plugins and internal routines to filter out necessary columns. Right now next classes are used.

Column Editor & EditorOptions

Use editor type to shown predefined editor inside the not aligned type column.

      <q-grid-column key="site"
                     title="Edit on click"
                     [editorOptions]="{trigger: 'click'}">
Column Width, MaxWidth & MinWidth

Indicates the column size which can be setup in pixels or percents.

<q-grid-column key="id" [maxWidth]="65"></q-grid-column>
<q-grid-column key="number" width="30%"></q-grid-column>

Right now percents are materialized only once on view init, depending on the origin q-grid width. Future plans are to add additional modes to handle percents constantly.

Column WidthMode

Controls the algorithm to materialize percents to pixels.

Column ViewWidth

If setup, the host column expands width to the viewWidth value on focus occurs.

Column Indicators

Use can and is properties to control q-grid columns interaction behavior.

Column Index

Use index property to define the order of q-grid columns.

Column Compare

Setup this function to change order method that is used by column sort pipe to sort rows.

Column Children

The q-grid header can utilize column hierarchy by using nested components or children property. Template below fills in the q-grid columnList.index property containing a node that represents header layout.

      <q-grid-column key="parent">
         <q-grid-column key="child-1"></q-grid-column>
         <q-grid-column key="child-2"></q-grid-column>
Column Aggregation

Use column aggregation to display summary data in the q-grid footer.

<q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async">
      <q-grid-column key="age" aggregation="avg">         
Aggregation Options

Use distinct and separator settings to change column aggregation template.

<q-grid [rows]="rows$ | async">
      <q-grid-column key="phase"
                     [aggregationOptions]="{separator: '+', distinct: true}">
How to show tooltip in column header?

Use description property in the column.

      <q-grid-column key="my-column" 
                     description="Will be shown in tooltip">
How does isDefault property work?

Column chooser does use isDefault property for selecting columns when click Select Defaults checkbox.