Date Time

Use this column type to display date or date times.

      columns: [
         { key: 'birthday', type: 'date' }

Use number type to display time values in a specific format.

      columns: [
         { key: 'alarm', type: 'time' }
Default template and specific properties
   <ng-template qGridColumnBody="birthday" let-$cell>
      {{$cell.label | qGridDate: $cell.column.format}}
Date as String

Usually data from http request goes directly to the q-grid, in this case if column is marked or generated as date only ISO 8601 format is supported.

If it’s not possible to lead data contract to ISO 8601 and there is no chance to to convert string to date object before putting it to q-grid column value property can be overridden.

      columns: [
         { key: 'birthday', type: 'date', value: row => new Date(row.birthdayString) }
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